Transformative Justice
Designing communication, connecting international criminal justice with the Tojisya (parties involved).
Research on "Transformative Justice"
変革的正義に関する国際法学者と人類学者による学際的な共同研究を紹介するサイトです。国際刑事裁判所の賠償を中心に、賠償命令の分析や アウトリーチ活動の検証を行い、より効果的なコミュニケーションデザインを模索しています。
This site introduces interdisciplinary collaborative research on transformative justice by international law scholars and anthropologists. With a focus on reparations by the International Criminal Court, we analyze reparations orders and examine outreach activities, and explore more effective communication designs.
中核犯罪の被害コミュニティにおける和解や癒しに対する効果において、修復的正義や移行期正義の概念の限界が指摘されてきました。すなわち、地元の社会構造を無視したトップダウン型の賠償デザインには、地元の被害感情との不一致やジェンダー等による不平等の問題が解消されないこと、自発的な和解を前提とすることで取り残される被害者の問題、同時並行する平和構築との一体性の問題等があげられます。こうした批判に対し新たに導入されつつあるのが、「変革的正義(transformative justice)」の概念です。国際刑事司法における変革的正義の実践は始まったばかりであり、その効果の検証はいまだ国内外においてもほとんど行われていません。そこで本研究プロジェクトでは、国際刑事司法における変革的正義概念の実践とその効果について検証することを目的とします。そのため、変革的正義概念および国際刑事裁判所(ICC)の被害者賠償制度に関する理論的研究と、ICCが長年取り組んできた被害者対応に関する事例研究を行っています。
The limitations of the concepts of restorative justice and transitional justice have been highlighted in terms of their effectiveness in reconciliation and healing in victim communities of core crimes. In other words, a top-down reparation design that ignores local social structures does not resolve issues such as inconsistency with local victim sentiment and gender inequality, issues of victims being left behind by assuming voluntary reconciliation, and issues of integration with concurrent peacebuilding. In response to these criticisms, the concept of "transformative justice" is being newly introduced. The practice of transformative justice in international criminal justice has only just begun, and its effectiveness has yet to be verified both domestically and internationally. Therefore, this research project aims to verify the practice and effectiveness of the concept of transformative justice in international criminal justice. To this end, we are conducting theoretical research on the concept of transformative justice and the International Criminal Court's (ICC) victim reparation system, as well as case studies on victim response, which the ICC has been working on for many years.
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War Crimes Archiving
War Crimes Archiving is a multidisciplinary team of specialists, including legal experts, computer scientists, and archivists. Our team is dedicated to fostering collaboration with academics and professionals across diverse research fields, aiming to make innovative and transformative contributions to the archiving of war crimes evidence, legal materials and memories. We are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards, ensuring that our work not only drives meaningful change but also prioritizes the well-being and dignity of individuals and communities affected by war crimes.